Andrew garfield gay rumors

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They maintained that if the fake butt didn’t belong to Tom Holland or Garfield, then that only leaves just the one other Spider-Man. Once Andrew Garfield confirmed that the fake butt was, in fact, not in his own Spidey suit, the interviewer asked about Tobey Maguire. If you were looking for an adorably charming answer, though, Garfield is obviously your guy. If you were hoping for answers as to whether there was a fake butt on set and who it belonged to, apparently Andrew Garfield isn’t the one to give it up. I assumed everyone’s butts were their butts. Entertainment Tonight did, in fact, ask Garfield about the fake butt rumors at the event, though, and his response is classic:

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His response is pretty hilarious, and he even comes to the rescue of fellow Spider-Man Tobey Maguire.Ĭelebrities get asked all sorts of personal and random questions, but I don’t think Andrew Garfield expected to be asked about his and the other Spider-Man’s butts at the 2022 SAG awards. Andrew Garfield, the Amazing version of Spider-Man, weighed in on rumors started by Tom Holland that one of Spider-Man: No Way Home’s Peter Parkers wore a fake butt in the already cumbersome Spidey suit. And now that we do indeed have that film, people are speculating on one very distinct thing about the Spider-Men: their butts. The world speculated for quite some time on whether Spider-Man: No Way Home would bring together three different versions of Peter Parker with the Spider-Verse.

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